Monday’s WOD

Buy In:
Wendler Back Squat

Against a 2 min running clock:
Complete 20 Back Squats (135/95)
With remaining time do max Mason Twists (L+R=1)
Rest 30 seconds

Against a 2 min running clock:
Complete 30 Wallball Shots (20/14)
With remaining time do max Half Moons (L+R=1)
Rest 30 seconds

Against a 2 min running clock:
Complete 40 Grasshoppers
With remaining time do max weighted V-ups (20/14)
Rest 30 seconds

As a group max time plank hold:
Longest hold gets 10 extra reps, 2nd place gets 5

Score=Total reps of core work (Twists, Moons, V-ups)

Cash Out:
15 Burpee Broad Jumps

This WOD is being dedicated to an incredible man, leader, follower of Christ who encouraged Shane and I to chase our dreams of impacting lives through CrossFit. Tomorrow marks 1 year from the day Stan Buck entered the presence of God after a hard fought battle with cancer. We were honored to call him a friend and will always be thankful for his impact on our lives.


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