CrossFit Praus – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
For time:
21 Squat snatches
42 Push-ups
15 Squat snatches
30 Push-ups
9 Squat snatches
18 Push-ups
14 minute time cap
Accessory/Mobility Work
On a 10′ Timer
3 Rounds for Max Reps
Wrist Flexion curls/arm
Wrist Extension/arm
(Pick weights heavy enough that 10-20 reps are challenging
In remaining time complete max distance farmers carry (70/53)
3 Rounds for Quality
15 – 90/90 Overhead Raise
Max Inverted Rows
OH raise – use a challenging band. Row – Rx is with feet on bench, but scaled can be on ground. Bring chest all the way to bar