07/10/2020 – EPIC Fridays WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Keith B. – The “Skeeter Keeter” (Time)

For time complete:

43 Cal Row


3 rounds of:


Rope climbs

(Must do at least one of each of the previous two movements, but have a total of 7 reps. i.e. 1 Rope Climb and 6 Muscle-ups, 2 Rope Climbs and 5 Muscle-ups)

10 Box jump overs


1977 meter Row

Accessory/Mobility Work


5 Rounds for quality

30sec Active Hangs

20sec Ring Pulse

3 Goblet Squat & Press (15/10)


3X1 Max effort hold GHD Back Extensions

4X15 9090 OH Raise

4X25ft Hollow Slides with Tuck Ups (Tuck Up Reps 5, 4, 3, 2)

Published By
Misty Wallin

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