07/20/2020 – Monday’s Strength

CrossFit Praus – Strength

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Snatch- Build to a

Solid 2 Rep. No

More than 20 Total

Lifts. —If a Lift is

Failed decrease by

15-20% and

Complete the 20

Total Lifts

Shoulder Press (8,7,6,5)

Strict Press- Build

to a 5 Solid Rep

Then 80% of the 5

Rep Heavy and

complete 8,7,6,5

Reps E2MOM

Back Squat (8,7,6,5)

Back Squat-

Build to a 5 Solid

Rep Then 80% of

the 5 Rep Heavy

and complete

8,7,6,5 Reps


Metcon (Weight)


EMOM 10 Min

Min 1: Weighted

Box Step Over x 6

Min 2: Pistols 5 ea
