10/05/2020 – Mondays WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Toes-to-bar Skill Work

Led by Coach

Metcon (Weight)

0:00 – 5:00

Every minute for 5 minutes complete:

5 Squat Snatch (55-65%)

Rest 2 minutes

Scaling Option

Every minute for 5 minutes complete:

5 Power Snatch (55-65%)
Can’t make it to the gym today? Check out the home variation of this workout under “Home Gym” option in the Wodify app!

Metcon (Weight)

7:00 – 12:00

Every minute for 5 minutes complete:

3 Squat Snatch (65-75%)

Rest 2 minutes

Scaling Option

Every minute for 5 minutes complete:

3 Power Snatch (65-75%)

Metcon (Weight)

14:00 – 19:00

Every 30 secs for 5 minutes complete:

1 Squat Snatch (80%+)*

* No adding weight during sets

Scaling Option

Every 30 secs for 5 minutes complete:

1 Power Snatch (80%+)