11/08/2018 – Thursday’s WOD


Don’t forget to get signed up for WOD 4 Warriors this Saturday!!! We are hosting the event at the box for Team RWB

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Rounds:

15 Singles + 10 Doubles

10 Shoulder rotations

5 Hang power cleans (empty bar)

4 Front squats

3 Push Press

2 Figure 4’s each side

Metcon (No Measure)

Clean EMOM 30

Building in weight, work to a heavy for the day. May not be a 1RM, but if they are feeling good, go for it.

Need 2 good lifts at a weight before adding weight.

Cash Out

100 Double Unders for time OR 5 minutes of work on them.