11/15/2019 – Friday’s WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 minutes on bike or rower

3 rounds of:

10 Banded high pulls

10 Banded front squats

10 Banded good mornings

5 Deep squat thoracic rotations (R/L)

50′ Carioca

Power Clean (6 x 3 )

At 80% of your 1RM Clean complete 6 x 3, you have 15 minutes to complete.

Masters: 5 x 3

Metcon (Time)

15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:

Double dumbbell hang squat clean and jerks


14 minute time cap


Men: 50 lbs

Women: 35 lbs


Men: 40 lbs

Women: 25 lbs


Men: 20 lbs

Women: 10 lbs