12/29/2021 – Wednesdays WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Coe (Time)

Ten rounds for time of:

10 Thrusters, 95#

10 Ring push-ups
In honor of Army Sgt. Keith Adam Coe, 30, of Auburndale, FL, died April 27th, 2010
To learn more about Coe click here
16 minute time cap

Modified Option 1:

Complete 10 rounds for time of:

10 Thrusters (75/55)

10 Deficit Push Ups (2in)

Modified Option 2:

Complete 10 rounds for time of:

10 Dumbbell Thrusters (2×35/25) (Keep it Light)

10 Push Ups or Bar Push Ups