5/24/2021 – Mondays WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Back Squat

In 12 minutes build to a heavy single for the day

Metcon (Time)

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

5 Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) or 8 Burpee Pull-Ups

9 Hang Power Clean (135/95)

7 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

50 Double Unders

13 minute time cap

Modified Option 1

Scaling Option 1

3 rounds:

3 Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) or 6 Burpee Pull-Ups

9 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)

7 Shoulder to Overhead (115/85)

35 Double Unders

Modified Option 2

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

10 Air Squats + Rings

9 Hang Muscle Clean (light)

7 Push Press (light)

30 Single Unders

Metcon (Time)

At 15 minute mark

For time complete:

15 Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) or 21 Burpee Pull-Ups

27 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

21 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

150 Double Unders

13 minute time cap

Modified Option 1

For time complete:

9 Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring) or 15 Burpee Pull-Ups

27 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)

21 Shoulder to Overhead (115/85)

105 Double Unders

Modified Option 2

For time complete:

30 Air Squats + Rings

27 Hang Muscle Clean (light)

21 Push Press (light)

90 Single Unders