7/09/2021 – Fridays WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

For time complete:

30 Chest to Bar

20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

10 Thrusters (155/105)

20 Box Jump Overs

30 Chest to Bar

8 minute time cap

Modified Option 1

For time complete:

30 Pull Ups

20 Box Jump Overs (20/16)

10 Thrusters (135/95)

20 Box Jump Overs

30 Pull Ups

Modified Option 2

For time complete:

30 Jumping Pull Ups

20 Box Step Ups

10 Dumbbell Thrusters

20 Box Step Ups

30 Jumping Pull Ups

Power Clean & Jerk

Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes complete:

x2 @ 65% 1 RM Power Clean

x2 @ 70%

x1 @ 75%

x2 @ 70%

x2 @ 75%

x1 @ 75%