Friday’s WOD


10min of
25ft Samson Lunge
10 Squats with 3sec Hold in Bottom
10 DB Press/side w/slow decent

5 x 3 Back Squat w/Eccentric
decent @ 80% (3 count)

For Time
25 Push Presses (115/75)
50 Stationary Front Rack Lunges, alt. (115/75)
20 Push Presses
40 Stationary Front Rack Lunges, alt.
15Push Presses
30 Stationary Front Rack Lunges, alt.
10Push Presses
20 Stationary Front Rack Lunges, alt.
5 Push Presses
10 Stationary Front Rack Lunges, alt.

***100 Meter run after every round of lunges. ****

TIMECAP: 15min

Extra Work:
Row 5K

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