Monday’s WOD


2 sets
50 Single Unders + 10-15 Double Unders
10 Rotational Med Ball Tosses, 5 per side, back and forth w/partner or against wall
10 Empty Bar Good Mornings

3-2-1 Muscle Snatch from Hip
3-2-1 Tall Snatch from Toes
3-2-1 Overhead Squat


Snatch from Hip 55%x2, 60%x2, 65%x2x3, 70%x1x2


As Far As Possible in 10 minutes:
3 One Arm Kettlebell Swing, 24kg/16kg, left arm
3 One Arm Kettlebell Swing, 24kg/16kg, right arm
12 Double Unders
6 One Arm Kettlebell Swing, left arm
6 One Arm Kettlebell Swing, right arm
24 Double Unders
9 One Arm Kettlebell Swing, left arm
9 One Arm Kettlebell Swing, right arm
36 Double Unders

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