Thursday’s WOD:


3 Sets:
5 Medicine Ball Squats + 5 Wall Ball
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings + 5 American Kettlebell swings, light
3 Sets:
10 Rear Delt Flyes @ 0303 Tempo, light
10 Superman Extensions w/pause @ top
10 Scapular Pushups


Every 2 Minutes x 10 Sets:
10 Supine Grip Barbell Rows
5 Candlestick Negatives


For Time:
30-20-10 Wall Ball, 20#/14# to 10′
Alternate With
90-60-30 Double Under

TIMECAP: 10:00

Extra Work: Snatch 3-3-3, 3×3

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