Thursday’s WOD

Buy In:

Trap rolling, Elbow flexibility drills

Skill: Hang Power Clean



1 min max reps of low hang clean (95/65)
30 sec max pistol squats
30 sec rest

1 min max reps of mid hang clean (95/65)
30 sec max pistol squats
30 sec rest

1 min max reps of high hang clean (95/65)
30 sec max pistol squats
30 sec rest

2 Rounds, for total number of cleans & total
number of pistols

IA: (75/55)
BA: (55/35)

(this one is intended to be light after the last two days of hard pushing!)

Cash Out:

100 Sit-ups for Time

Quad rolling/Trap ball work

**Don’t forget to get your T-shirts/Tanks ordered asap…we need to place the order in hopes of getting them finished for the Grand Opening!

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