Thursday’s WOD

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Shoulder mobility…shoulder mobility…shoulder mobility

Strict Press 1RM

4 Shoulder to Overhead (135/85)
8 Pistol Squats
4 min AMRAP

2 min rest

4 Bent over rows (same bar)
8 Tuck Jumps
4 min AMRAP

IA: (95/65)
BA: (65/45)

Cash Out: Tabata Push-ups (yep, we’re going to keep hammering these!)

Roll out quads and shoulder/ball work

Only 2 days til the Grand Opening…we hope you can all come out and enjoy some yummy food and meet some new people!! If you have a second and can remember to make a little tag for your food…who made it and what its called…that would be great! That way we know who to bug for the recipe!

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