Wednesday’s WOD


3 Sets:
5 Deadlifts @ X031 Tempo
10 Ring Rows w/pause @ top
Row 250m


Deadlift 3×2 @ 80% of 5RM


As Far As Possible in 30 minutes, In Teams of 3:
1 Deadlift, 275#/185#
3 Kettle Bell Swing 53#/35#
5 Calorie Row
2 Deadlifts
Kettle Bell Swing
10 Calorie Row
3 Deadlifts
Kettle Bell Swing
15 Calorie Row

Partner A completes 1 deadlift, 3 Kettle Bell Swings, 5 calorie row, while Partner B and Partner C rest. Once Partner A finishes, Partner B completes 1 deadlift, 3 Kettle Bell Swings, 5 calorie row, while Partners A and C rest. Once Partner B finishes, Partner C completes 1 deadlift, 3 Kettle Bell Swings, 5 calorie row, while Partners A and B rest. Then Partner A starts the round of 2/6/10 and the pattern continues.

Extra Work: 

Front Squat 3×2 @ 75% of 5 RM

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