Wednesday’s WOD:


EMOM 12, alternating:
a) 5 Power Clean + 5 Front Squat +5 Clean
b) 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings, light-to-moderate
c) 25′ Bear Walk


Clean 2RM, then 90%x2x2


21-15-9 For Time:
Deadlift, 225#/155#
Handstand Pushups

Compare this to week of 160613, or this last time your gym did “Diane”. If possible, scale workout in the same manner for each athlete.


Extra Work: Bench Press 3RM, then 90%x3x3

Thanksgiving Week Schedule

Wednesday will have regularly scheduled classes. Thursday will be members only 9:30 class. Friday Closed with an Open Gym from 3-5pm. Saturday is a normal guest Saturday at 9:30.

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