Wednesday’s WOD

Buy In:
4 x 200 E2M

1000m Row
100 Singles
45 WallBalls (20/14)
100 Singles
40 KB Swings (53/35)
100 Singles
35 Jumping Lunges
100 Singles
30 Ring Dips
100 Singles
26 Burpees

Cash Out:
3 x 10 One Arm DB Press

Schedule updates:
Starting this Thursday we will be offering a T/Th 7:30pm class…making that class available Monday thru Thursday!

This Friday the ONLY class we will have will be a 9:30am members only class…this will be a fun one, don’t miss it!

Saturday we will have our regular 9:30am guest workout, but will not be having open gym. Enjoy celebrating our Nation’s freedom with family and friends!

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