01/09/2021 – Saturday’s WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)


100 Doubles/Single Unders

75 Dumbell Ground to Overhead

50 Calorie Bike/Rower

30 Mason Twist (Left/Right is one)

20 Deadlifts

Round 2:

80 Double Unders/Single Unders

60 Dumbell Ground to Overhead

40 Calorie Bike/Rower

24 Mason Twist (Left/Right is one)

16 Deadlifts

Round 3:

60 Double Unders/Single Unders

45 Dumbell Ground to Overhead

30 Calorie Bike/Rower

18 Mason Twist (Left/Right is one)

12 Deadlifts

Round 4:

40 Double Unders/Single Unders

30 Dumbell Ground to Overhead

20 Calorie Bike/Rower

12 Mason Twist (Left/Right is one)

8 Deadlifts

Round 5:

20 Double Unders/Single Unders

15 Dumbell Ground to Overhead

10 Calorie Bike/Rower

6 Mason Twist (Left/Right is one)

4 Deadlifts

Cap 25 Minutes