4/01/2021 – Thursdays WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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3 Position Snatch (Hang, Below Knee, Full)

Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes complete:

2 sets @ 70% 1RM Snatch

3 sets @ 75% 1RM Snatch

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

25 Toes to Bar

15 Burpee to 6in target

25 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step Ups (50/35) (20in box)

50 Handstand Push Ups

25 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step Ups (50/35) (20in box)

15 Burpee to 6in target

25 Toes to Bar

16 minute time cap

Modified Option 1

For Time:

20 Toes to Bar

15 Burpees

25 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step Ups (35/25) (20in box)

35 Handstand Push Ups

25 Alternating Single Dumbbell Step Ups (35/25) (20in box)

15 Burpees

20 Toes to Bar

Modified Option 2

For Time:

25 Hanging Knee Raises

10 Up Downs

25 Alternating Step Ups

50 Dumbbell Push Press

25 Alternating Step ups

10 Up Downs

25 Hanging Knee Raises

No Equipment Option

40 Sit Ups

15 Burpee

40 Jumping Split Lunges

50 Handstand Push Ups

40 Jumping Split Lunges

15 Burpee

40 Sit Ups