Monday’s WOD

Warm-up: 3 Sets

3 Snatch High Liftoff
3 Power Snatch from Hip
3 Power Snatch
3 Snatch

After each set, perform 3-5 Perfect Burpees.


Snatch to max, then 90%x1x4


10 Sets, 1:00 work/1:00 Rest:
1 Power Snatch, 95#/65#
1 Bar Facing Burpee
2 Power Snatches
2 Bar Facing Burpees
3 Power Snatches
3 Bar Facing Burpees

At 0:00 on the clock, the athlete begins with 1 power snatch followed by one bar facing burpee, then two power snatches and two bar facing burpees, etc. They work until the clock hits 1:00, then they rest. When the clock hits 2:00, the athlete continues working, picking up where they left off.

Extra Work: Power Clean to max, then 90%x1x4

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