Monday’s WOD


EMOM 12, aternating:
a) 1:00 Bear Walk
b) 1:00 Box Jumps
c) 5 Muscle Snatch (below knee) + 5 Power Snatch (below knee) + 5 Overhead Squats, empty bar


Power Snatch 2RM, then 90%x2x2


For Time:
10 Overhead Squats, 175#/115#
5 Wall Walks
20 Box Jump Overs, 30″/24″
5 Wall Walks
10 Overhead Squats

TIMECAP: 12:00

Extra Work: Push Press w/Pause 5RM, then 90%x5x3

Full two count pause at the top of each rep. I recommend having athletes count for each other.

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