Monday’s WOD

**6 am class for tomorrow has been cancelled due to nasty roads, we will have a 6 am Tuesday this week instead. Stay tuned about 9:30, but as of now we’ll be there!

Buy In:

Calf/Lacrosse ball work

Couch/Death stretch

Double Under work



Death by Box Jumps (24/20)

Upon failure to complete a round
do 5 DU’s EMOM until the last
person finishes the WOD (minimum of 20 mins)


Cash out:

Calf mashing/Quad rolling



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1 Comment

Amanda Burge

Today’s Death by Box Jump Challenge was topped out by Ryan Gardner and Tracy Hayes…nice work guys!!! Hope everyone remember to write this one in their logs…we’ll visit it again in several months to check progress.

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