Monday’s WOD

Buy In:
5 OHS E2M for 5 Rounds

10 Power Snatches (115/75)
20 DU’s
2 Rounds

Rest 2 min
Repeat for 3 Rounds
For time (including rest)

Cash Out:
Bottoms to Bottom Tabata

Time for a new week…keep after it Praus House, you’ve all been hitting it hard lately! Next Foundations Class launches this Tuesday at 7:30pm if you’ve been waiting to join the fun  Praus Kids will also be launching soon…stay tuned!

Also! There are now Perfect Food bars in the FitAid fridge…not all are Paleo (peanut butter) but all are loaded with whole foods and are delicious! They vary in protein/sugar/carbs etc. so check the labels to stay within your goals! $3 each…punch cards work for these as well. Enjoy!!

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