Monday’s WOD

Buy In:
5 x 3 OHS (75%)

10 Power Snatch (135/95)
20 Pistols
30 DU’s
3 Rounds

Cash Out:
2 x 25 WallBalls (20/14)

Time to get back at it!! If you haven’t tried CrossFit and have been curious what its all about…join us Tuesday night as we kick off our next Foundations class at 7:30. For those who start this week we are offering a 3 month unlimited (all of our memberships are unlimited) membership for $250  Please let us know if you have any questions!

Don’t forget! This Saturday we are launching our next Clean Eating Challenge after the 9:30 Class. And mark your calendars for Friday the 16th at 7:30 for our Anniversary party!! Can’t wait to celebrate 2 years with all our amazing members/family!