Thursday’s WOD

EMOM 9, alternating:
a) Crawl 6 Steps Forward + 6 Steps Backwards
b) 20 Single Unders + 5-10 Double Unders
c) 3 Straight Hanging Leg Raise + 2 Toes-to-Bar


On a 3 Minute Clock:
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 97#/70#
300′ Suicide Run (25′ out and back + 50′ out and back + 75′ out and back)
Max Double Unders in Remaining Time

Repeat for a total of three cycles, resting two minutes between cycles. Score is total Double Unders.


Run 3x800m, work:rest 1:1

Extra Work: Every 3 minutes for 5 sets:

10 Romanian Deadlifts, moderately heavy
10 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Press, moderately heavy
:30-60 Hollow Hold

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