Thursday’s WOD


EMOM 9, alternating:
a) 15 Hollow Rocks + 50′ High Knees
b) 10 Ring Rows + 50′ Buttkickers
c) 5 Goblet Step-Ups/leg + 100′ Shuttle Run (50′ out/50′ back)


Every 4 Minutes x 5 Sets:
3-5 Challenging Strict Handstand Pushups
5-10 Pistols, alternating
10 Two Dumbbell Bent-Over-Rows w/pause


Run 1200m/800m/400m/200m
Work:Rest 1:0.5 (rest time is approximately 1/2 of work time)

Extra Work: Back Squat 5-5-5-5

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