Thursday’s WOD

Buy In:
5×5 Front Squat E3M 5 Rounds

1 Clean & Jerk
OTM for 20 min
(work to heavy/1RM)

Cash Out:
Tabata Push-ups

The Open is HERE!!! Live showing of the 14.1 Announcement at the Praus House on the big wall at 8pm, then stick around to mess with some of the movements/weights

Friday Night Lights…Open 2014 will kick off Friday night at 6:30 (thus no regular 6:30 class on Friday’s until April) If you are not signed up for the Open but plan to…do it now please so we can get heats set!! People are welcome to come and watch, cheer you on, but if you bring munchkins please make sure someone is there to watch them, we have to make sure they stay out of the way of the athletes for everyone’s safety! If you have a week you are unable to make Friday night, please let us know (through text or FB message…not through commenting on a status) so we can get you in during Sunday’s make-up slot. Also, if you need to go in a later heat on Friday’s due to work etc. please let us know ASAP.

Foundations…We would typically be launching our next Foundations class this coming Tuesday, but with the Open may not run it during the typical 7:30 slot. Please let us know ASAP if you are planning to jump in on this round, or know someone who is. Thanks so much!!

Do Work Praus House…it’s Game Time!

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