Tuesday’s WOD

Buy In:

Down and Back Dynamic Stretching…WHOLE body!

Medball Clean

1 min max calorie row
30 sec rest
1 min max dips
30 sec rest
1 min max rope climb
30 sec rest
1 min max med ball clean (20/14)
30 sec rest
1 min max DU’s
30 sec rest
1 min max push-ups
30 sec rest
1 min max pull-ups
30 sec rest
1 min max hollow rocks

IA: (14/10)
BA: (10/6)

Cash Out:

3- 1 min handstand holds (time permitting)

Ball and Roller work…calves, shoulders and forearms
Don’t forget about our 6am and 9:30am T/Th classes launching tomorrow!! (or today, depending if you already went to bed 😉 )

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