Tuesday’s WOD

Buy In:
2 Deadlifts E3M 5 Rnds

1 min max calorie row
30 sec rest
1 min max dips
30 sec rest
1 min max rope climb
30 sec rest
1 min max med ball clean (20/14)
30 sec rest
1 min max push-ups
30 sec rest
1 min max hollow rocks
30 sec rest

2 Rounds

Cash Out:
Tabata Weighted Sit-ups (20/14)

Unless something drastically changes by 5 am we are cancelling the 6 am class, Joe Roth will post if he feels its ok to have everyone make the trip in. We also wont be able to have childcare at 9:30…if someone is bored and wants to make the trek out to do childcare we’d love it.
Also, Festivus Games are getting quite a response, if you’re interested, jump on board before spots are full…here‘s the link!

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