Tuesday’s WOD

So…what’s about to happen demands explanation! The weather channel failed us on this one, but because we are SOOOO stinking tired of winter, we have decided to go ahead with the WOD as we originally programmed anyway. Evening classes you should be golden, morning classes we’ll get a little creative (aka modify) if need be. Bring on the 50 degree weather…spring has to come sometime right?!? Maybe if we run, we’ll convince it to come sooner than later!

*If your posterior chain is still yelling at you from 14.3…note how light the DL’s are…they are meant to be fast, not heavy  Should be just the thing to loosen everything back up!

Buy In:
Deadlift 1RM

10 Deadlifts @ 55% 1 RM
200m run
8 Deadlifts
200m run
6 Deadlifts
200m run
4 Deadlifts
200m run
2 Deadlifts
200m run

Cash Out:
3×10 Back Extension and Reverse Hyper

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