Wednesday’s WOD

Buy In:
Strict Press 5 x 2 E2M

WallBalls (20/14)
KB Swings (53/35)

Cash Out:
20 TGU 40/25

We have an immediate childcare need!!! Rachel starts a new job this Thursday (congrats!!!!), but that means we have an immediate opening for Tues/Thurs childcare during the 5:30 class. If you, or someone you know, would like to CrossFit but can’t afford the full price of a membership please let us know if you would be interested!

If anyone is able to fill in until we find someone long term, so let us know. 

Published By


Angela Woredn

Hi, I have been very interested in trying crossfit but the price is an obstacle for me. I have a couple of friends who do it… Nicky Shwanz and Amber Simons… and they have gotten great results and have maintained a wonderully healthy lifestyle with the help of crossfit. If the position is not filled, I would love to help out with childcare for the Tues/Thurs 5:30 class. I have two daughters of my own (4 and 2) and I also watch my best friends 2 sons (4 and 1) during the day Mon-Fri so I am very familiar with caring for young ones. Hope to hear from you soon:)

Amanda Burge

Angela, I am SOOO sorry I am just now seeing this message. These are supposed to come into my email account, but for some reason this one did not. We would love to have you fill that spot if you are still available. 🙂 In fact, we start our introduction classes next Tuesday, so the timing is great. Please let me know if you are still available/interested and we’ll get the ball rolling! In fact, if you could email me at [email protected] to make sure I receive your response that would be great. Again, sorry for the delay!

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