Wednesday’s WOD

Buy In:
1 Hang Power + 1 Power Clean
EMOM for 10 Rounds @ 65% 1RM

“21-15-9 Complex”
8 Deadlifts (155/115)
7 Cleans
6 Snatches
8 Pull-ups
7 C2B
6 Bar Muscle-ups
(Subtitute T2B if need be)
6 Deadlifts
5 Cleans
4 Snatches
6 Pull-ups
5 C2B
4 Bar Muscle-ups
4 Deadlifts
3 Cleans
2 Snatches
4 Pull-ups
3 C2B
2 Bar Muscle-ups

10 min time cap

Cash Out:
Pick your pain!

For those of you who are still feeling Monday…these lighter deadlifts will be just the thing you need to revive, and mobilize, your posterior chain! Weight on the bar will likely be determined by snatch weight…only one bar per athlete!

Let’s get after this one!!!

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