Wednesday’s WOD


EMOM 16, alternating:
a) 50′ High Knees
b) 4-6 Inchworms
c) Row 15 Strokes (5 Legs Only, 5 Legs + Body, 5 Full Stroke)
d) 8 Tap Swings on Pullup Bar


For Time with a Partner:
Run 400m (each)
50 Pullups (total)
Run 400m (each)
50 Box Jumps, 24″/20″ (total)
Run 400m (each)
50 Dumbbell Snatch, moderate weight, alternating (total)
Run 400m (each)
50 Handstand Pushups (total)

One partner works at a time on all exercises, except run, which they perform together.
All exercises may be broken up as partners see fit.
Recommended load for dumbbell snatch is around 55#/35# for RX’d athletes.

TIMECAP: 35:00

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