Buy In:
Wendler Deadlift
Max Reps:
1 min: HSPU (Wallwalks exchange 1 WW for 3 HSPU’s)
1 min rest
1:30 min: Kettlebell Swing (53/35)
1 min rest
2 min: Front Squats (115/75)
1 min rest
2 min: Front Squats (115/75)
1 min rest
1:30 min: Kettlebell Swing (53/35)
1 min rest
1 min: HSPU
Cash Out:
Pick your Pain Mobility!
Oly Class (5:30):
2×3 Power Cleans + Jerk
5x 3-Position Clean and Jerk
3 Clean and Split Jerk EMOM for 5 min
The Paleo Challenge WOD is out:
7 Push Press
7 Box Jumps
7 Kettlebell Swings
5 Rounds
Weight will be up to you, remember, this is you against you in 8 weeks…if we were to label “prescribed” it would be 95/65. Whatever weights and height you use this time you will use again in 8 weeks so we can get a clean gauge on progress!
If you are planning to do the challenge but can’t be there Saturday please let us know ASAP so we can get you in for the WOD as soon as we can.
It’s Time!