Monday’s WOD


Wendler: Back Squat

20 DUs
40 Sit-ups
20 DUs
30 Front Rack Lunges (135/95)
20 DUs
20 Shoulder to Overhead
20 DUs
10 T2B

20 DUs


Cash Out:
Bottoms 2 Bottom Tabata

Oly Class:
A. Snatch Push Press: 4×5 @ 60%
B. Power Snatch + OHS: 50,55,60,65,70% x 3+3
C. Snatch Pulls: 90% x 5, 95% x 4, 100% x 3

Don’t forget…this Friday and Saturday we will be closed, turns out our entire coaching staff is working at Regionals!! We will program those days for you to complete at home!

Also, Praus Kids starts next Tuesday!! We’ll be training at 4:30 on T/Th.  Please let us know if you have a child planning to jump in on the fun!

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