Friday’s WOD

Buy In:

15 Air Squats

15 Jumping Jacks

15 Grasshoppers

2 min subscap ball work on one side

Repeat (moving to the other side for the 2nd round of subscap work)

Strength: Back Squat
5×3: 65%-75%-85%-75%-65% of 1RM

(Try to come with these numbers calculated…
check 1/21 or 2/6 in your folders for 1RM)


15 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Half Moons
5 Wall Walks

3 Rounds

IA: (14/10)

BA: (10/6)
**1 more day until our Paleo Challenge…see you at the box at 12 on Saturday, ready to WOD!  Don’t forget to bring your favorite Paleo Dish…I know the standard has been set pretty high for several of you after last weekend’s potluck!

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