Tuesday’s WOD

15 Pass throughs
15 OHS
15 Jumping Jacks
15 Jumping squats
3 Rounds
Skill: Pull-ups
5×3 Strict Pull-ups
2 Pull-ups
2 Roll-outs
2 Lateral burpees
4 Pull-ups
4 Roll-outs
4 Lateral burpees
6 Pull-ups
6 Roll-outs
6 Lateral burpees
8,8,8…10,10,10…10 min AM(reps)AP
Cash Out:
Tabata Push-ups!
Paleo Challengers: Don’t forget this Saturday is our final weigh-in/measure-in and redo of the baseline…come between 10 and 11:30 and get your work done…then stick around for the Open competition at noon!  Feel free to bring one of your favorite Paleo dishes/snacks you found during the past 6 weeks and celebrate your awesome accomplishments!
Open competitors: we will not be running heats this Sunday, so everyone needs to be judged by Saturday afternoon…stay home Sunday and have a wonderful relaxing day with your families celebrating Christ’s resurrection!

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