Monday’s WOD

10 Minutes @ Easy Pace:
10 Goblet Squats, slow eccentric, light weight
10 Kettlebell Deadlifts, slow eccentric, light weight
10 Kettlebell Press, left arm, slow eccentric, light weight
10 Kettlebell Press, right arm, slow eccentric, light weight

Snatch High Liftoff + 5 Count Eccentric + Snatch 2-2-2, 3×2


4 Rounds For Time:
50′ Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge, 53#/35#, alternate arms each round
50′ Handstand Walk

TIMECAP: 10:00

Extra Work: Behind-The-Neck Jerk with 2 Count Pause in Split 5-5-5, 3×5

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