Monday’s WOD

5 Sets:
3 Power Clean from Hip
3 Full Clean from Knee
3 Push Press
3 Press from Split
3 Split Jerk


15×1 EMOM
Reps 1-8: 70%x1x2, 75%x1x2, 80%x1x2, 85%x1x2
Reps 9-15: Work at athlete’s discretion between 85-95%


10 Rounds For Time, 135#/95#:
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Touch-and-Go Squat Clean + 1 Thruster + 1 Shoulder-to-Overhead

Each round must be completed unbroken, but athlete may set the bar down between rounds.

TIMECAP: 10:00

Extra Work:

Jog 400m @ 6 + 400m @ 7, + 200m @ 8

Rest 2:00-3:00

2 Mile Time Trial

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