10 Minutes:
Row 15 Strokes (5 Legs Only, 5 Legs + Body, 5 Full Stroke)
5 Half Kneeling Press, left arm
5 Half Kneeling Press, right arm
5 Transition Rocks (Incline, Supine, or Elevated)
30 Muscle-Ups For Time
TIMECAP: 10:00
AMRAP 25, alternating with Partner:
20 Steps Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge, light dumbbell or kettlebell, left arm
20 Steps Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge, light dumbbell or kettlebell, right arm
20 Calorie Row
20 Weighted Sit-Ups, same weight as lunge, dumbbell or kettlebell held at chest
Partners alternate full exercises. So Partner A performs 20 lunges with the left arm while Partner B rests, then Partner B performs 20 lunges with the left arm while Partner A rests. Then Partner A performs 20 lunges with the right arm while Partner B rests, then Partner B performs 20 lunges with the right arm while Partner A rests. Repeat with row, then sit-ups, then back to left arm lunge.
Extra Work: Snatch with 3 Count Pause in Squat 2RM, then 2 singles with 2RM weight