Wednesday’s WOD


EMOM 12, alternating:
a) 8 Goblet Squats, slow eccentric
b) 8 Russian Kettlebell Swings + 8 American Kettlebell Swings
c) 8 Goblet Walking Lunges, slow eccentric
d) 4 Strict Pullups + 8 Tap Swings on Pullup Bar


Back Squat 6-6-6-6


For Total Reps:
1:00 Thrusters, 95#/65#
1:00 Pullups
0:45 Thrusters
0:45 Pullups
0:30 Thrusters
0:30 Pullups

Extra Work: Push Press 8-8-8-8

Build over the first three sets. The third set should be near maximal, leaving one good rep in the tank. Drop 10% for the fourth set.

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