05/18/2018 – Friday’s WOD

CrossFit Praus – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds:

10 Hip Hinge and Reach

5 Strict Press with light weight

5 Goblet Squats (light) with Pause at bottom

5 broad jumps

Back/Front Squat Program

Back Squat Front Squat

1 x 10 @ 60% 1 x 5 @ 60%

1 x 10 @ 65% 1 x 5 @ 65%

1 x 8 @ 70% 1 x 5 @ 70%

1 x 8 @ 75% 1 x 5 @ 70%

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)


2 Dumbell Snatches (50/35) alternating

1 Hand Stand Push up

Dumbell reps increase by 2 each round, HSPU 1 each round

(i.e. 4 Snatches, 2 HSPU, 6 Snatches – 3 HSPU’s….) Always even numbers on the Snatches and HSPU’s should always be half of the snatch reps.