Friday’s WOD


1 Set @ Easy Pace:
30 Back Rack Walking Lunges, light
25 Double Unders
20 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
25 Double Unders
30 Medicine Ball Cleans
25 Double Unders
20 Kettlebell Thrusters (practice front rack for workout)
25 Double Unders

Partner WOD: 

Part 1
Partner A: 30 Back Squats (225/155)
Partner B: AMRAP Bar Muscle-Ups (modify to Ring Dips)
Then Switch

Once both partners have finished, rest 5 minutes

Part 2
Partner A: 40 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (55/35)
Partner B: AMRAP Wall Ball
Then Switch

Once both partners have finished, rest 5 minutes

Part 3
Partner A: 50 Double Kettlebell Front Squats (35/25)
Partner B: AMRAP Double Unders

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