Friday’s WOD


EMOM 12, alternating:
a) 10 Thrusters, light
b) 8 Tap Swings on Pullup Bar
c) 30 Single Unders + 10-15 Double Unders


On a 2 minute clock:
30 Double Unders
10 Pullups
Max Thrusters in remaining time, 115#/75#

Repeat for a total of 4 cycles, resting 2 minutes between cycles.


Back Squat 6×5 @ 90% of this week’s 5RM

Extra Work: 3 Rounds:

Run 400m

Rest 4 minutes between rounds
During 4 minutes rest, complete 1 round of:
10 Tap Swings on Pullup Bar
10 V-Ups + 10 Tuck-Ups + 20 Hollow Rocks

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