EMOM 12, alternating:
a) 12 Overhead Half Kneeling Split Squats (6/side)
b) 12 Rotational Medicine Ball Twists (6/side)
Split Jerk 5-5-5, 3×5
3 Rounds For Time:
30 Pushups
15 Toes-to-Bar
10 Power Snatch, 115#/75#
TIMECAP: 14:00
Extra Work – Pick one of the following, listed from highest to lowest proficiency:
1) Muscle-Up, 2:00 Work/2:00 Rest x 3 Sets
2) Muscle-Up, Accumulate 5-15 total repetitions
3) Muscle-Up Negative, Accumulate 10-15 total repetitions (https://youtu.be/-LcZZGAMv_c)
3) Transition Rock, 5×5