EMOM 16, alternating:
a) 10 Goblet Step-Ups, low box, alternating
b) 15 Second Chest-to-Wall Handstand
c) 5 Inchworms w/pause @ fully extended position
d) 5 Strict Ring Rows w/pause @ top
16 Minutes Volume Accumulation:
5 Wall Walks
5 Strict Chest-to-Bar Pullups
10 Superman Extensions w/pause @ top
5 Rounds For Time:
10 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
10 Ring Dips
10 Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
TIMECAP: 12:00
*Beginning this Friday, we will be suspending the Friday 6:30pm class for the warmer/summer months. Enjoy the outside!