Tuesday’s WOD


10:00 of:
10 Goblet Squats, slow eccentric + pause at bottom
50′ Forward Crawl
10 Glute Bridges, pause and squeeze at top, slow eccentric


Back Squat AMRAP 20min @ 75% of 1RM
Maximum: 50


4 Rounds For Time:
30/20 Pushups
100′ Goblet Walking Lunge, 32kg/24kg
100m Single Arm Farmers Carry, 32kg/24kg Kettlebell, switch arms at 50m

TIMECAP: 20:00

Extra Work:

Assault Bike

5:00 @ 6, into 5 Sets:
3:00 @ 6-7
2:00 @ 7-8
1:00 @ 8-9


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