Wednesday’s WOD


3 Sets:
10 Goblet Squats, 31X1 Tempo
10 Half Kneeling Press/side, X131 Tempo
15 Hollow Rocks OR 0:15-0:20 Hollow HOld


Back Squat 3RM


For Time:
50 Butterfly Sit-Ups
50 Dumbbell Snatch, 50/35, switch arms every 10 reps
50 Dumbbell Overhead Squats, 50/35, switch arms every 10 reps
50 Toes-to-Bar

TIMECAP: 22:00

Extra Work:

12:00 Volume Accumulation of one of the following, listed from highest to lowest proficiency:

1) Strict Ring Dip @ 31X1 Tempo
2) Strict Ring Dip
3) Ring Dip Negative
4) 0:05-0:10 Ring Support + 0:05-0:10 Dip Support

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