Welcome our newest coach Adam Haggard!

Buy In:
2 min subscap
2 min high pec/front shoulder
2 min glute/ham

Wendler: Back Squat

“Adam” (Adam Brown Revised)
24 Deadlifts (185/115)
24 Box Jumps (24/20)
24 Wallballs (20/14)
24 Floor Press (135/95)
24 Box Jumps
24 Wallballs
24 Full Cleans (95/65)

Cash Out:
100 Sit-ups for time

Also, we are doing Adam tomorrow because we are reserving Wednesday to honor an amazing CrossFitting Mom who lost her life recently after giving birth to her 6th child.  Katrina was an amazing testament to what strong moms are capable of, as such we are going to be doing her WOD on Wednesday.  What’s more we will accepting donations that day which 100% of which will be sent to her family through a fund they have set up.  Help us in supporting this family during an unbelievably difficult time.


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